Interesting narrative of the loss of the Halsewell, East Indiaman, Captain Richard Pierce, which was unfortunately wrecked at Seacombe, in the Isle of Purbeck, on the coast of Dorsetshire, on Friday morning, January 6th, 1786, when near two hundred people perished, including characters of the first respectability [...] also an account of the destruction of the New Hoorn, Dutch East-Indiaman by Fire
Het verhaal van de Nieuw Hoorn is een versie van W.Y. Bontekoe's Journaal. De datering is aan de hand van het jaartal op de illustratie.
Iovrnael ofte Gedenckwaerdige beschrijvinghe vande Oost-Indische Reyse van Willem Ysbrandtsz. Bontkoe : descriptieve bibliografie / ed. G. Verhoeven en P. Verkruijsse. - 1996, no. 1808-01. p. 263.