Eresabel door de Honorable East India Company aangeboden aan Schout-bij-Nacht J.J. Melvill van Carnbee, uit erkentelijkheid voor het afbrengen van de "Royal George". In schede.
opschrift, binnenzijde kling, geëtst, Tekst in reliëf.: PRESENTED by the HONORABLE the Court of DIRECTORS of the UNITED East India Company of Merchants of ENGLAND, to Rear Admiral the Honorable I.I. MELVILL VAN CARNBEE, Knight of the Royal Military Order of William Commanding His NETHERLAND MAJESTY'S Squadron in the East Indies, as a mark of the high sense which the Court entertains of the essential assistance rendered by him, on the occasion of thier SHIP the ROYAL GEORGE being aground in the STRAITS of BANCA in December 1823